Equitable Pathway to Learning
There is an imbalance in accessibility to and, an inconsistency in the quality of education provided to the certain segments of the population from preschool through high school. Wide variations exist from state to state (cities and neighborhood therein) in the overall quality of the educational content, resources, facilities and types of academic programs, i.e. vocational, technical and special needs training. Cultural incompetence, ethnicity, racial bias, economic policies are factors that contribute to the educational disparity across our nation. Inequities in educational opportunities impact negatively on the quality of life for individuals and families, thus, the health of our society.
Restoration proposes a National Uniform Education System. The system will provide a comprehensive design and structure that would provide an equitable pathway for learning across the continuum of training and educational needs to assure opportunity for all. This plan will be the standard for the education of children from Preschool through high school in states, cities and towns throughout the United States. Standardization will apply to curriculum, material and content, with sensitivity to cultural needs. Quality standards for learning disabilities, and training to ensure a fair opportunity to pursue the best life possible.
All citizens are entitled to a basic education that prepares them to compete locally, nationally and globally for employment and business opportunities. Entrepreneurship will be imbedded as early as elementary school. Partnerships with community colleges, small businesses and high schools provide training opportunities for students interested in vocations and technical careers. Targeted training in accounting, marketing, management, etc. will support students’ managerial skillsets for those who desire to be entrepreneurs. Counselors will work closely with teachers, businesses, and institutions of higher learning to afford students opportunities for growth. All citizens are entitled to a basic education that prepares them to compete locally, nationally and globally for employment and business opportunities. Entrepreneurship will be imbedded as early as elementary school. Partnerships with community colleges, small businesses and high schools provide training opportunities for students interested in vocations and technical careers. Targeted training in accounting, marketing, management, etc. will support students’ managerial skillsets for those who desire to be entrepreneurs. Counselors will work closely with teachers, businesses, and institutions of higher learning to afford students opportunities for growth.
Incentives are provided for high schools with 100% student placement in employment and education, vocational, technical or higher learning.